Waking Up in my body...and the Coming of Spring

Sounds waft through the walls and windows
Air touches my skin
The bitter, earthy taste of coffee awakens my mouth
Breath comes in, and out.
and out.
As I let my inner gaze follow my breath, my body responds.
On the exhale, my muscles contract in a gentle twist, that turns my inner ear slightly to the west.
On the inhale, my arm lifts slowly
Sensation and a yearning in my tendons bring my hand to my neck
What a relief; how good it feels to be touched
To touch my own skin.
I melt and awaken under my own attentive, loving touch
I remember
the pain and pleasure
of being human
and how hard I am trying
to do a good job.
My mind wanders
to plans for the future
longings to be of service
emails to write
meetings to plan
I notice
where my mind has gone
And I appreciate her
for caring for the world
for trying to help
for wanting so desperately
to do a good job.
And I take another breath
deep into my ribcage
I bow my head
and let the space behind my heart unfurl.
Warmth floods me
as my shoulder blades spread
and I curl in
towards my own heart
with my eyes closed.
Should I go for a walk?
Should I turn on some music?
Should I write?
I recognize an impulse to move.
I crack my eyelids; light
greets me
through the window.
I understand this moment
poised on the precipice of spring
I am awakening
Winter is not gone,
but the earth is thawing.
My body is thawing.
I feel the seeds stirring in the ground of my body
I feel my heart enliven with the promise of sunshine
I am nearly exploding with a hunger
For life.
And suddenly, I am so grateful
that I have been firmly asked
to sit still for so long.
Because now,
I am ready.
You might call it meditation, or yoga.
I call it waking up.